Omnia tempus habent
The most important events that took place in the Polish Union of Education or with its inspiration and participation.
PUE Management Board meeting
On March 15, 2019, a meeting of the PUE Management Board was held. The subject of the meeting was the involvement of individual members of the organization in the implementation of the PUE Action Program for 2018-2020 and the possibilities of involving the organization in the implementation of projects in the field of education financed by the European Union. The meeting was hosted by Collegium Civitas.
Academic education in a critical perspective
A new publication by Dr. has appeared on the publishing market. Andrzej Rozmus entitled "Academic education in a critical perspective. Students towards neoliberal education policy at higher education institutions. The author, currently Vice-Rector for Teaching at the University of Information Technology and Management in RzeszĂłw, undertakes a deep reflection on the impact of the political transformation and neoliberal reforms on the area of higher education in Poland. These reflections concern the ideological dimension, the organization of the educational process and teaching practice, and the institutional dimension of academic education. The publication also takes into account changes introduced by the Constitution for Science. The presented conclusions are strongly supported by the author's empirical research on the student community.